RAMTECH – Applied Physics
Group lider: CS II Dr. Eng. Sorin TAŞCU
The research center RAMTECH interest focuses on a variety of research domains, such as:
- Preparation and microstructural characterization of innovative micro and nanostructured materials and devices
- Micro and nanostructuration of nonlinear optical materials for Nonlinear Optical Experiments.
- Preparation of multi-waveguide devices for evanescent coupling in linear & nonlinear regime.
- Switchable photomagnetic materials for full-optical memories.
- Nanostructured ferroics, multiferroics.
- Fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanostructures with novel properties.
- Nonlinear optical experiments in waveguiding configurations: spontaneous parametric down conversion, second harmonic generation, parametric oscillation, sum frequency generation, waves mixing, electro-modulating and optical solitons
- Study of multi-waveguide devices for evanescent coupling in linear & nonlinear regime
- Relaxation and hysteresis in photomagnetic materials
- Investigation of functional properties of nanostructured ferroics and multiferroics
- Design, fabrication and testing of sensor-type device.
- CS II dr. Taşcu Sorin
- CS II dr. Tiron Vasile
- CS III dr. Tudorache Florin
- CS III dr. Gheorghiu Felicia
- CS III dr. Rambu Alicia Petronela
- CS dr. Oniciuc Eugen Mirel
- ACS dr. Ciolan Mihai-Alexandru
- ACS dr. Hroștea Laura